Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Moving (again)

In the last month, a lot of things have (again) changed in my life --some of which are quite personal. Although my initial intention for this blog was to write about this period in my life so that the family and friends who I do not often get to see or talk to will still have a chance to keep up with what I have been up to. And now...well, some parts of my life have gotten to be a bit "controversial" and have me hesitated to share. I still have family and friends in many different places of the world that I want to keep updated, but I am beginning to realize that I may have a number of unwanted audience since this is a public blog. Because of this, I may be switching over to a password-protected blog in the near future as some of my friends have done.

I have recently signed a lease for a new apartment. Because I really like my current location across the beach and how affordable this neighborhood is, I decided to simply move to the building next door to my current complex! It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath, quite spacious, with some potential garden space, for only $1500 a month. The new bedroom alone is the same size as my entire studio apartment now. And the living room is enormous and will allow me to fit at least a couple of couches, a TV, and maybe even a salt-water aquarium... The kitchen is a good size, I will finally get a dinner table to eat on instead of on my desk or on my bed. The kitchen and bathroom are not updated, but for the price, the apartment is a steal and will allow me to save some money in the long run to continue to pursue my traveling.

My significant other has officially arrived in San Francisco and I can't be happier. Although it's been a hectic couple of weeks, but in about a month, I am hoping that things will settle down and we will get to explore and enjoy what the city has to offer. Things on my immediate TO DO list:

Visit the Legion of Honor
Visit the de Young Museum
Go see live theatre
Go see some live music
Go beach fishing

Currently, I am still working on getting my research up and going and established, as well as applying for post-doctoral fellowships (many of which have deadlines in Sept and Oct). I am moving into the new place in a few days (this FRIDAY!). It's been crazy finding a new place (found, applied, got the offer, and signed the lease in a span of 3 days), getting someone to take over my current apartment (4 hrs craigslist post, an evening and an afternoon of open house, >20 people came through, >10 applicants, and the new tenant signed the lease less than a week later), and dealing with my demanding job all at the same time. Being an adult is kinda hard, but I am just letting it ride and enjoying every minute of this experience. My life is pretty crazy, but I have everything that I ever wanted. Considering myself a pretty damn lucky girl.

Sunset over Ocean Beach



  1. controversial? oh my.
    hope the move goes well. let us know when you and your sig other have some time for us to hang out.

  2. Hi Khanh - glad things are going well for you, and I love your pictures! Just wanted to say that the Legion of Honor was by far my favorite San Francisco museum so I'm glad that's at the top of your list!

  3. Lauren: I will let you know! It's been crazy but things will hopefully settle down soon.
    Hannah: thanks! Let me know if you're ever out this way, we would love to have you stay with us!
